Frequently asked questions

Please check our frequently asked questions to help answer any questions you might have. Also, please check this page to run an automated diagnostic of your computer setup.

If you can’t find the answer you need, feel free to contact our Support Team.

I can't access the site
First, check whether the site is live on the web using this link at Down For Everyone or Just Me.

If the site is live but you cannot see it – it generally means that your IT group has a firewall filter:

  • Check with your IT Help Desk and ask:
    • Whether they can access the site
    • Whether they can whitelist the site for you
  • Still having problems, contact our Support Team.
I haven't received a login confirmation

First, check your spam filter or junk mail folder.

Sometimes we enter our email address incorrectly. The easiest way to check is:

  • Go back to your TheAir.Works site and choose the Forgot Password link
  • Enter the email address that you registered
  • The system should send you a message within a couple of minutes
  • If you do not receive the message, contact our Support Team.
I can't see my video picture

First of all, check that you are using a Chromium based browser. That means web browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari.

Then check that when asked, you are allowing access to your camera.

Refresh your screen and try again.

If you are not being asked to allow access to your camera:

  1. Check the webcam test site and ensure that your webcam is being activated
  2. Try clicking this link directly in your browser ->
  3. Check with your IT Helpdesk and ask whether TheAir.Works is being stopped at your firewall – or whether streaming video is being prevented on your network (this usually involves opening specific ports).

Still having problems? Check your Chrome browser settings:

  1. Click the three dots that allow you to customise and control Chrome from the top right hand side of the menu
  2. Choose Privacy and security from the menu on the left hand side
  3. Choose Site settings
  4. Choose Camera
  5. Check that is appearing in the list of “allowed” sites
I am getting a security warning. What do I do?

Because video is high bandwidth, our site may be picked up by your organisation’s Firewall Policy. To fix this:

  • Contact your IT group and request that all TheAir.Works domains be whitelisted (that is * – particularly ports 443 and 10000-20000 (UDP)
  • Check access on your phone – check whether this page works (select the “view in browser” option.