Welcome to TheAir.Works

Welcome to TheAir.Works. Because we want you to focus on the workshop – not the technology – we’ve setup some quick tests:

  • Video streaming
  • Collaboration testing
  • Video conferencing.

Test 1 – video streaming

The first test is video streaming. Play the video below and learn more about some of the work that DisruptorsCo delivers to clients around the world.

In preparation for your workshop or hackathon, we like to make sure that all the technology works for you. After all, we don’t want you showing up on the day and struggling to get access!

So we have created this page to test out some of the functionality of the platform. If the video above plays for you, then we know already that have got something working!


Test 2 – collaboration tools

In the next test, we will be ensuring that our in-built collaboration tools will work for you.